
Adapting Your Salon & Spa
Business In Response To COVID-19
Current circumstances are uncertain, but wellness professionals are uniquely empowered to provide leadership, inspiration, and healing during these difficult times. In order to best take care of our students, clients, guests and employees, we must also make sure to mindfully prioritize the well-being of our businesses.
While talking with a few local businesses operating in the Health & Wellness space, there were a few things that stood out when it came to how they are preparing their businesses for operating in a COVID-19 environment. And although this is not meant to be an all-out comprehensive list of to-do’s to keep our businesses operational, we hope that it can at least provide some great food for thought.
Be Helpful and Add Value
COVID-19 is a very real concern that’s going to see people altering their routines and buying behavior for the foreseeable future. For some the ability to operate at full capacity has been incredibly difficult or not even necessary are the number clients walking through our doors has been significantly reduced. But this doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to add value to our base clientele.
Technology (when it works correctly) has given us the ability to see things in a completely different perspective in that, for those who are willing to participate can still engage their clients in a positive and safe way. Consider instituting donation-based classes or consultations. Augment paid offerings with free resources (e.g., audio meditations, video guides to setting up your home yoga practice space, Facebook live sessions for community discussions).
Overall, the priority in this situation is to maintain strong client relationships without compromising your business’ financial stability more than it already has been. Until the situation stabilizes, your time is best spent supporting clients to ensure that your business is the one they look to once the dust settles.
Keep a Pulse On What Your Community Needs
As much as possible, stay engaged with your clients through both broad channels like email and social media, as well as through one-on-one discussions. Survey your community, at either a formal or informal level. Figure out how to best serve them now AND as we emerge from today’s more constricting environment.
Strengthen Professional Relationships During This Time
It’s equally important to check in with your network of collaborators, vendors, and partners during this time to see how they are coping. Looking at the current economic environment with businesses being shut down or forced to shutter their doors, the whole landscape has completely changed. And that also means that the overall supply chain may not only have gaps, but it may no longer even exist. However, it’s important to know that all those in your professional network are as vested as you are in seeing your business succeed.
Having relationships to support your business through a crisis can be the key to ensuring you bounce back stronger than ever. So why not touch base with them periodically in an effort to help you stay in front of any supply or service related issues on both sides of the channel. Plus, it’s a great way to help you understand how others in your professional network are navigating through this challenging Covid-19 environment.
Map Out Cost-Cutting Strategies
Let’s face it, COVID-19 is already having an impact on the bottom line of businesses globally. But if we’re going to remain operational, staying in the black and how we get there is critical. So be prepared for cost-cutting and review your budget to lay out a plan for the next few months. Focus on the “meat & potatoes” of your business model, analyzing how and where you were generating revenue. If you were purchasing items for retail sale, then now is a great time to eliminate any low margin items in an effort to simplify & refine shelf space. If your business provides some form of professional service, then explore how it can be done safely, affectively and as efficiently as possible. As the timeline of the virus’ reach is uncertain, sketch out cases that plan for both a shorter-term and a longer-term disruption.
Attend To Tasks You Normally Don’t Have Time For
Use this time when there’s a slowdown in sales wisely so that as things start to pick back up, you can feel confident that you’ve taken the necessary steps to make your business can run efficiently and safely for your clientele.
As a business owner, we all know that there is always something to do, even if you may not want to do it. So stay productive by working through the jobs that were low priority before. This could be revamping your website, putting together new tour itineraries for local destinations, reviewing your digital marketing plan, or updating your client contact list. It could also be taking courses or using some downtime for yourself, which brings us to a very important point.
Take Care of Yourself While Managing the Crisis
The first half of 2020 was a stressful time for everyone. I’m sure many of us have asked ourselves, will my business survive? How do we pick up the pieces? Can I stay healthy enough to see us through?
But with all of the unknowns we can’t forget to look out for our own health, both physically and mentally, as we navigate our businesses through these choppy waters. Approaching this second half of the year with a positive frame of mind can exemplify strong leadership, which has never been more important in setting the example for the rest of your team, clients, and vendors. However, one thing is for certain, your business, your staff, your community and your clients need you operating at 120%. And this type of clarity and leadership can only come by ensuring that you’re taking the best care of yourself.